Friday, April 30, 2010

Resep Sakit Pinggang

Resep Sakit PinggangJika anda terserang sakit penyakit yang satu ini, yaitu sakit pinggang, anda bisa merasakan betapa sakit dan tersiksanya tubuh angkoknya jadi serba salah. Penyakit ini tergolong penyakit yang paling sulit sembuh.Tetapi apabila anda memang telah memeriksakan dan mencoba bermacam-macam obat tapi tidak sembuh juga, anda gunakan air godokan daun alpukat.Cara-Caranya :Ambillah 10

Resep Obat Sakit Gigi

Resep Obat Sakit GigiBahan :Sakit gigi merupakan sakit yang luar biasa menyikasa, malahan ada yang bilang bahwa sakit itu nomor satu, orang yang sedang sakit gigi memang serba salah, sumpek dan menjengkelkan, mendengar suara agak keras saja sudah bingung pokoknya tidak enak sama sekali.Apalagi bila gigi berlubang, biasanya kumat sakitnya, aduh ! rasanya sampai merasuk tulang-tulang sakitnya, ini

Salah satu penyebat terjadinya kanker payudara

Anderson Cancer Center menyimpulkan bahwa wanita yang mencukur bulu ketiaknya ternyata 10 kali lebih rentan terhadap kanker payudara dibandingkan dengan wanita yang membiarkan buluketiaknya tumbuh apa adanya.Dr. Therese Bevers dari M.D. Anderson mengungkapkan, dengan mencukur buluketiak, di ketiak akan timbul banyak luka tak kasat mata serta pori-pori di daerah ketiak akan membesar. Ini

Sayur Pepaya Udang

Sayur Pepaya UdangBahan :- 500 gram pepaya muda, serut halus -- 250 gram udang, kups kulitnya, tinggalkan ekornya -- 2 lembar daun salam -- 3 lembar daun jeruk purut -- 1 papa petai, kupas kulitnya -- 2 sdt garam -- 1 batang serai, memarkan -- 1 sdt gula merah -- 750 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa -- 3 sdm minyak goreng -Bumbu halus :- 7 butir bawang merah -- 4 siung bawang putih -- 8 buah cabai

Rolade Saus Jamur

Rolade Saus JamurBahan :- 300 gram daging sapi cincang -- 1/2 kaleng liver paste -- 4 sdm bawang goreng, haluskan -- 3 sdm tepung roti -- 2 butir telur, kocok lepas -- Merica, pala, garam secukupnya -Dadar :- 2 butir telur -- 1 sdt sagu + 1 sdm air -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 1/2 sdt merica -Saus jamur :- 1 buah bawang bombay, potong bulat tipis -- 2 sdm butter -- 1 1/2 sdm terigu -- 50 gram jamur kaleng

Tenggiri Bumbu Bali

Tenggiri Bumbu BaliBahan :- 500 gram ikan tenggiri, potong 5 bagian -- 2 lembar daun salam -- 2 ruas lengkuas, memarkan -- 1 batang serai, memarkan -- 1 lembar daun jeruk -- 3 sdm minyak goreng -- 200 cc air -Bumbu haluskan :- 6 butir bawang merah -- 4 siung bawang putih -- 5 buah cabai besar -- 1 sdt terasi -- 4 butir kemiri -- 1 sdt garam -Cara membuat :1. Panaskan minyak goreng.2. Tumis bumbu

Baso Telor

Baso telor plus mie ayam....ini resepnya ngasal sesuai stok di kulkas.
resep menyusul

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Resep Masakan Ca kangkung Bumbu

Resep Memasak Masakan Ca kangkung BumbuBahan :4 cabai merah3 butir kemiri1/2 sendok teh terasi5 butir bawang merah2 siung bawang putihGaram secukupnya3 sendok makan minyak goreng250 g kangkung yang sudah disiangi200 ml airCara memasak :Haluskan cabai, kemiri, terasi, bawang merah, bawang putih dan garam.Panaskan minyak dan tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan sampai harum, masukkan kangkung, tumis

Resep Masakan Kecipir Bumbu Taoco

Cara Memasak Masakan Kecipir Bumbu Taoco Bahan :2 sendok makan minyak untuk menggoreng2 cabai merah, iris tipis100 g udang, kupas kulitnya2 sendok makan taoco200 gr kecipir, siangi, iris seron 2 cmBumbu yang dihaluskan :6 butir bawang merah3 siung bawang putih2 cabai merahGaram secukupnyaGula pasir secukupnyaCara membuat :Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan dan cabai merah sampai

Es Buah Masak Gula

Es Buah Masak GulaBahan :- 1 buah pepaya setengah matang, potong dadu -- 1 buah labu siam, potong bola -- 1/2 buah nanas, potong dadu -- 1 buah bengkuang, potong dadu -- 1 liter air -- 200 gram gula -- 1 sdt garam -- 1 sdt citroenzur -- Sirup stroberi, es batu secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Air, gula, garam, citroenzur disatukan. Rebus mendidih. Masukkan pepaya, labu siam, nanas, bengkuang,2, Rebus

Es Puding Moca Coklat

Es Puding Moca CoklatBahan :- 1 potong puding moka -- 2 sdm mesyes -- 2 sdm susu kental manis -- Es batu secukupnya -Puding moka :- 1 bungkus agar-agar -- 600 cc susu cair -- 100 gram gula -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 1/2 sdt pasta coklat -Cara membuat :1. Campur susu cair, gula, garam dan pasta coklat, masak mendidih sambil diaduk. Lalu campur dengan agar-agar.2. Tuang adonan puding ke dalam cetakan.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Resep Rujak Kangkung

Cara Memasak Rujak Kangkung Bahan :10 ikat kangkung, 8-10 batang2 potong tahu ukuran 8 cm x 8 cm, goreng, potong 1 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm1 buah mentimun, cuci, potong tipis100 gr taoge, bersihkan, rebusSambal :10 cabai rawit3 cabai merah1 sendok teh terasiGaram secukupnya200 gr gula jawa1/2 sendok teh asam jawaCara memasak :Siangi kangkung, pilih bagian yang muda, kemudian rebus dan tiriskan.Sambal :

Resep Masakan Ca Brokoli Saus Tiram

Cara Memasak Masakan Ca Brokoli Saus TiramBahan :500 gr brokoli2 sendok makan minyak goreng2 siung bawang putih, cincang1 butir bawang bombay, iris setebal 1/2 cm1 sendok makan saus tiram1 sendok makan kecap asinMerica secukupnya1/2 sendok teh minyak wijenCara memasak :Siangi brokoli sampai bersih, lalu seduh dengan air mendidih dan diamkan selama 3 menit, setelah itu tiriskan.Panaskan minyak,

Es Sirsak Blewah

Es Sirsak BlewahBahan :- 2 sdm sirup rose -- 4 sdm sirsak -- 4 sdm blewah dikerok -- Air, es batu secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Susun dalam gelas sirup, sirsak, blewah.2. Beri es batu. Tambahkan air secukupnya. Hidangkan.Untuk 1 gelasAura / Lezat Sehat 79 / Minggu ke-1 / Februari 2006

Pandan Roll

Pandan RollBahan isi (masak matang) :- 250 cc santan dari 1.4 butir kelapa -- 50 gram gula -- 35 gram maizena -- 1/4 butir kelapa muda, parut -- 1/2 sdt garam -- Vanili secukupnya -Kulit (campur jadi satu) :- 100 gram terigu -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 350 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- 1/2 sdt garam -Cara membuat :1. Dadar adonan kulit sesendok demi sesendok sayur sampai habis.2. Setiap dadar

Dadar Mangkuk Kukus

Dadar Mangkuk KukusBahan isi (campur, mixer sampai kental) :- 75 gram vla instan -- 250 cc air -Kulit :- 80 gram terigu -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 175 c susu sapi -- 1/2 sdt garam -- Jelly secukupnya -Cara membuat kulit :1. Dadar adonan kulit sesendok demi sesendok sayur sampai habis.2. Masukkan dadaran ke dalam cetakan pie. Isi dengan bahan isis.3. Kukus 10 menit. Biarkan dingin. Hias dengan

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Resep Roti Bakar Udang

Cara Memasak Roti Bakar UdangBahan :5 lembar roti tawar2 butir telur ayam, kocok lepas100 ml susu cairGaram secukupnya1 sendok teh merica bubukMargarine secukupnya10 buah ebi furai ( udang goreng) siap pakai gorengSelada Secukupnya1 buah wortel rebus, potong balok50 ml saus tomat/sambal50 ml saus mayonesCara Membuat :Camput telur, susu, cair, garam dan merica, aduk hingga rata.Panaskan pan dadar

Resep Masakan Tumis Nasi Keju

Cara Memasak Masakan Tumis Nasi Keju Bahan :200 gr nasi putih1 butir telur ayam, kocok lepas50 g keji cheddar, parut3 sendok makan mix vegetable (sayur campur) siap pakai2 sendok makan margarineBumbu :3 siung bawang putih1/4 buah bawang bombay, cincangGaram secukupnya1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk1 sendok makan kecap asinCara Membuat :Panaskan margarine, masukkan telur, masak sambil diorak-arik

Loude Paru

Loude ParuBahan :- 1 kg ikan bandeng, bumbuhi garam, air jeruk nipis -Sambal (campur rata) :- 5 butir bawang merah, iris tipis -- 10 buah cabai rawit, iris tipis -- 2 buah cabai merah, iris tipis -- Garam, air jeruk nipis secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Sisik bandeng jangan dibuang. Bakar di atas bara api sampai matang.2. Hidangkan dengan sambal.Untuk 2 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 79 / Minggu ke-1 /

Slada NTB

Slada NTB Bahan :- 1 buah labu siam, potong korek api -- 1 kuntum brokoli, potong kasar -- 1 buah wortel, potong korek api -- 150 gram buncis, potong 1/2 cm -- 150 gram jagung manis -Saus (campur) :- 125 gram selai kacang -- 3 butir kuning telur, rebus, haluskan -- 5 buah cabai rawit, haluskan -- 1 sdm saus sambal -- 1 sdm air jeruk nipis -- 1 sdt gula pasir -- 1/2 sdt merica bubuk -- 125 cc air

Rempah Pedas

Rempah PedasBahan :- 400 gram daging cincang -- 25 gram gula merah, larutkan dengan sedikit air -- 1 butir telur, kocok lepas -- 1/2 butir kelapa agak muda, parut -- 2 lembar daun jeruk, iris halus -- 2 batang serasi, memarkan -- 500 cc kaldu ayam -- 1 ikat daun kemangi -- Garam, merica, air secukupnya -- Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng dan menumis -Haluskan :- 6 butir bawang merah -- 6 siung

Gecak Sape

Gecak SapeBahan :- 500 gram tetelan, rebus -- 100 gram babat, potong panjang -- 100 gram hati sapi, potong dadu -- 100 gram limpa, potong dadu -- 100 gram wijen -- 1/2 butir kelapa parut, sangrai, haluskan -- 6 butir bawang merah, iris halus -- 600 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa -- 2 ruas jari lengkuas, memarkan -- 4 lembar daun jeruk purut, iris halus -- 2 buah jeruk limau, ambil airnya -- 8 buah

Monday, April 26, 2010

Resep Kue Egg Tart

Cara Memasak Kue Egg TartBahan :200 g mentega tawar beku1/2 sendok teh garam300 g tepung terigu protein sedang50 g susu bubuk60 gr gula halus1 sendok teh baking powder2 butir kuning telurbahan isi :200 ml susu evaporated8 butir telur ayam, kocok rata300 g air1/2 sendok teh essen vanila100 g gula pasir1/2 sendok teh garamCara Membuat :Adonan kulit : Campur semua Bahan kecuali kuning telur, aduk

Resep Masakan Jamur Tiram Sosis

Cara Memasak Masakan Jamur Tiram SosisBahan :300 gr jamur tiram, cuci bersih iris memanjang3 buah sosis sapi, potong jadi 4 bagian, kerat salah satu ujungnya1 sendok teh tepung maizena, larutkan dengan 2 sendok makan air2 sendok makan air2 sendok makan minyak goreng100 ml airBumbu :1 buah bawang bombay, iris memanjang3 siung bawng putih, iris tipis3 batang daun bawang, potong 1 cm1 sendok makan

Sosis Brokoli Saus Pedas

Sosis Brokoli Saus PedasBahan :- 2 lonjor sosis, potong melintang 1 cm -- 1 bonggol brokoli, potong peruntum, rebus -- 1/4 buah paprika kuning, potong dadu -- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang -- 150 cc kaldu ayam -- 3 sdm saus botol -- Minayk secukupnya untuk menumis -- 1 sdt sagu dicampur dengan 2 sdm air -Bumbu :- 1/2 sdt minyak wijen -- 1 sdt kecap ikan -- 1 sdt kecap inggris -- 1/2 ruas jari

Ayam Tepung Saus Tiram

Ayam Tepung Saus TiramBahan :- 1 dada ayam, potong panjang -- Garam, merica secukupnya -- 2 siung bawang putih, cincang -- 50 gram terigu -- 30 gram tepung bumbu -- 1 butir putih telur -- Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng -Saus :- 2 siung bawang putih, cincang -- 4 sdm saus tiram -- 1 sdt kecap ikan -- 1.2 sdt minayk wijen -- 100 cc air -- Minayk secukupnay untuk menumis -Cara membuat :1. Dada

Apel Masak Cuka

Apel Masak CukaBahan :- 1 buah apel, potong dadu, cuci air garam -- 1/2 dada ayam, potong dadu -- 1/2 buah paprika, potong dadu -- 1/2 buah wortel, iris tipis -- 1 buah daun bawang, iris 2 cm -- 2 buah bawang putih, cincang -- 150 cc kaldu ayam -- Minayk secukupnya untuk menumis -Bumbu :- 1 sdt kecap ikan -- 1/2 sdt minyan wijen -- 3 sdm saus tomat -- Garam, merica secukupnya -Cara membuat :1.

Ayam Santan Selaras

Ayam Santan SelarasBahan :- 1 ekor ayam, potong jadi 10 -- 750 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa -- 2 buah tahu, potong dadu -- 2 buah cabai merah, iris serong -- 2 buah cabai hijau, iris serong -- 250 gram rebung, iris tipis -- 2 btang daun bawang, iris 3 cm -- Minyak secukupnya untuk menumis -Bumbu haluskan :- 3 siung bawang putih -- 6 butir bawang merah -- 4 butir kemiri -- Garam, merica, gula

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Resep Masakan Cumi Paprika

Cara Memasak Masakan Cumi Paprika Bahan :350 gr cumi-cumi, bersihkan dari kulit, isi dan kepalanya1 buah paprika merah, potong memanjang1 buah paprika hijau, potong memanjang1 sendok makan bawang putih cincang1 sendok teh merica hitam, tummbuk kasar2 sendok teh kecap asin1 sendok teh kecap ikan1 sendok teh minyak wijen1 sendok makan minyak goreng1 sendok teh garamCara membuat :Potong cumi 6x6 cm,

hasil kelulusan Ujian tingkat SMA Sederajat Diharapkan lulus 100%

memang suatu yang menegangkan apabila sudah tiba hari H pembagian hasil kelulusan . Di dalam hati kita pasti bertanya - tanya apakah aq lulus pa tidak . hasil itu dimasukkan dalam sebuah amplop yang akan kita terima hanya ada dua pilihan yang bisa kita terima yaitu kata LULUS dan TIDAK lulus .
Semoga aja tahun ini hasil kelulusan bisa mencapai Target yang kita dan pemerintah Harapkan yaitu lulus 100% .
Paris. When did the words dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 get divorced? is the contes seo dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 support the games soccer or world cup in south afrika in years 2010 Paris. When did the words “fair” and “play” get divorced?

Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.

And that’s just of late.

Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?

Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.

But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.

This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.

Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.

Take the case of Eduardo da Silva.

Fairly or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled.

Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.

Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.

Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.

Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 201

Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.

But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.

Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.

Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.

Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.

Fowler won a UEFA Fair Play award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.

Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.

Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”

Why not?

It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.

Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.

And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.

“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.

“The players have created the problem,” he adds.

They need to be part of the solution, too.

Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.

And that’s just of late.

Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?

Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.

But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.

This was a dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 201o player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.

Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.

Take the case of Eduardo da Silva.

Fairly or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled.

Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.

Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.

Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.

Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.

Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.

But dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.

Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.

Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.

Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.

Fowler won a UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 201 award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.

Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.

Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”

Why not?

It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.

Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.

And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 201 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.

“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.

“The players have created the problem,” he adds.

They need to be part of the solution, too.

FIFA’s concept of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 is fundamental to the game of soccer: “It represents the positive benefits of playing by the rules, using common sense and respecting fellow players, referees, opponents and fans,” according to

But someone may have forgotten to tell the players.

FIFA’s dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Campaign was conceived largely as a result of the 1986 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, when the handball goal – Diego Maradona’s “Hand of God” – provoked a reaction with ramifications way beyond the English fans. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 2006? Doesn’t look like it to me. Already these finals have produced more red cards than any previous World Cup (25) – and we still have eight games to go.

FIFA has a major problem. Some years ago they began to clamp down on tackling from behind. They also encouraged referees to stand no nonsense on ill-timed sliding tackles. You wouldn’t know it by watching the games this year.

More tackles are taking place from a horizontal position than from an upright one. Slide tackling has become the cynical skill of the 21st Century.

To be dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010, the speed of today’s players and the vastly superior playing surfaces allow highly incisive challenges to be made by putting the body on the ground – assisted by speedy approach runs.

The result? Either a spectacular ball-winning tackle or the taking of an opponents legs.

In some children’s soccer programs slide tackling is banned. I think that is good. It teaches the children to defend while staying on their feet, and helps them avoid injuries that may turn young players off the game.

In spite of their great attacking skills, African teams did not make much progress at this World Cup – other than Ghana – because their players defend indiscriminately. The two-footed, sliding-in-on-the-backside, scissor-chop is the most insidious tackle in the game. And it is alive, if not well, in Africa.

So a ban on slide tackling? I don’t think so! It is a skill of the game. But the punishment for indiscriminate, potentially career-ending slide tackles should be a red card – no hesitation. It would make every player think twice before putting themselves on the ground.

There is, however, another equally pervasive problem: dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 The way players fall writhing to the ground after the slightest contact – or sometimes no contact at all – would suggest there are snipers in the stands.

The Portugal/Holland game was the highlight so far. Players were going down like bowling pins. But it’s happening in the other games, too.

And there is no need for it.

Take the late, great George Best never had the opportunity to play in a World Cup Final given he was born in Northern Ireland. He rode nearly every challenge that came his way, stayed on his feet with his incredible balance, with every intention of scoring. Occasionally, he was bowled off the ball, but never of his own choice.

Players today make great use of the trainers, who must be fantastic. Miracle workers, really, given the number of players who go down – apparently mortally wounded – and two minutes later can be seen is sprinting all over the field.

FIFA must take action, even if it is post-game. Referees, unlike team trainers, are not miracle men and can’t see everything. But with the benefit of multi-TV cameras, every split sound of action can be closely-evaluated after the event. so the many support to fair play worl cup 2010 south afrika dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Sumber :

Resep Masakan Tumis Sawi putih

Cara Memasak Masakan Tumis Sawi putihBahan :250 gr sawi putih, potong 2-3 cm40 gr cabai merah besar, buang bijinya potong serong100 gr udang, kupas20 gr bawang putih, memarkan40 gr tomat, potong panjangPenyedap rasa secukupnya3 sendok makan minyak goreng50 ml airCara membuat :Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih hingga harm dan layu.Masukkan udang upas, masak hingga berubah warna.Tambahkan cabai,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Resep Masakan Buncis Saus Tiram

Cara Memasak Masakan Buncis Saus TiramBahan :250 g buncis mini siangi1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang3 siung bawang putih, cincangMerica buuk secukupnya100 gr kacang jepang, siap beli3 sendok makan saus tiramgaram secukupnya75 ml air250 g daging sukiyaki3 sendok makan minyak goreng50 gr teri jengki goreng50 gr ebi goreng4 buah cabai merah, buang isi, iris tipisCara Membuat :Panaskan minyak, tumis

Resep Buncis Masak Jamur

Cara Memasak Buncis Masak JamurBahan :250 gr baby buncis, potong 3 cm3 buah cabai merah, iris serong2 buah jamur kuping basah, iris kasar50 gr jamur merang10 buah jamur kancing kaleng belah menjadi 2100 gr udang kupas1 batang daun bawang, potong 2 cm2 siung bawng putih, iris halus1/2 buah bawang bombay iris halus2 sendok makan kecap manis2 sendok makan kecap asin1 sendok makan saus tiram2 sendok

Friday, April 23, 2010 dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Pertandingan sepak bola paling akbar dan spektakuler serta bergengsi ini sebentar lagi akan digelar pada kesempatan ini pertandingan akan diadakan di Afrika selatan . dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 mendukung serta ikut memeriahkan kontes sepak bola sejagad ini , dengan adanya adanya dukungan dari kontes SEO dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 diharapkan bisa benar - benar fair play atau permainan bersih dan sportif dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

walaupun negara kita tercinta masih belum bisa masuk kualifikasi pertandingan sejagad ini , dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010namun jangan berkecil hati karena kesempatan tahun yang akan datang masih terbuka lebar.
untuk itu berjuanglah tim Merah putih, kami selalu mendukungmu . seperti dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 yang selalu semangat untuk mendukung terlaksananya fair play seperti yang kita semua harapkan .

Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.

Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.

Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.

But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.

Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.

Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.

Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.

Fowler won a UEFA Fair Play award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.

Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.

Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”

Why not?

It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.

And fairly or not, it cracked on Eduardo.

“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.

“The dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 have created the problem,” he adds.

They need to be part of the solution, too.

Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.

And that’s just of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?

Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.

But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.

This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.

Take the case of Eduardo da Silva.

Fairly or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled.

Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.

Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.

Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.

Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 because they were too distressing.

Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.

But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.

Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.

Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.

Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.

Fowler won a UEFA Fair Play award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.

Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.

Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”

Why not?

It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.

Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.

And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.

“The question you should dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.

“The dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 have created the problem,” he adds.

They need to be part of the solution, too.


seperti gambar anak dibawah ini dengan bangganya memakai kaos yang bertuliskan Fair play , tidak lain halnya yang ikut tampil dalam mendukung suksesnya piala dunia tahun 2010 di afrika selatan melalui ajang kontes Seo dengan thema dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 dengan thema atau judul ini diharapkan bisa menyuport para pemain yang bertanding di ajang piala dunia untuk bisa bermain fair play.

disini kami ikut meramaikan kontes seo yang berjudul dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 dan berharap di ajang piala dunia ini berjalan dengan fair play sepertyi yang kita harapkan semua amin....

Walaupun negara kita tercinta Indonesia masih belom masuk babak kualifikasi namun bukan berarti tim kita kalah begitu saja , kami yakin para pemain kita sudah berjuang mati - matian untuk bisa masuk babak 16 besar, tapi apalah daya semua itu kehendak Tuhan YME semoga dengan adanya kontes Seo dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 bisa menambah semangat tim merah putih dengan simbol Garuda Didadaku untuk maju dipiala dunia tahun yang akan datang dengan permainan yang Fair dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

For the game. For the world.' The FIFA motto came to life in Jeju over the past eight days as Brazil, England, Korea DPR and New Zealand came together to produce a spirit of friendship and dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010.

Although the four Group B teams played to win in their two games at the FIFA World Cup™ Stadium Jeju, they never forgot what it means to be sportsmen and consequently treated the opposition with respect.

Prior to the beginning of the tournament, the 21 players from each squad, together with coaching staff and team officials, signed the FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Charter, a pledge to set an example to the youth of the world.

Although this was in evidence on the pitch, it was the off-the-pitch events that proved to be the more heartwarming.

On Monday evening, the coaches and captains of the four teams, together with representatives from FIFA and the LOC came together for a unique photo opportunity organised by

It will not only serve as a memento for those involved, but a testament of the goodwill and friendship between the delegations.

The photo is entitled 'Jeju United' - the name of the island's K-League side and a fitting description of the camaraderie and togetherness of the teams.

But there was more to the relationships than just a simple snapshot.

For example, the sight of winning coaches Lucho Nizzo and John Peacock offering words of support to their defeated counterparts An Ye Gun and Colin Tuaa following their matches on Monday was sincere and gracious.

The events took place away from the glare of the TV cameras in the dressing room area and was in a privileged position to witness them.

Brazil and New Zealand players regularly rubbed shoulders while surfing the web at the team hotel, while the England and Korea DPR players shared cordial greetings when they made their way to their meals and team meetings.

The youngsters from each team are not only talented players, but fine ambassadors for their respective countries.

A football family
"We were extremely lucky to have them here," dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 said FIFA Match Commissioner Theodore Theodoridis.

"There was a great spirit between the teams; you could obviously tell that they enjoyed being here and participating in this tournament. They caused absolutely no problems and it was a pleasure to work with them.

"The four countries, the FIFA staff and the LOC in Jeju came together to create a real football family. In many ways, we are sorry to see them go, but we are looking forward to welcoming Costa Rica, Haiti, Honduras, Nigeria, Peru and Syria over the next few days."

Meanwhile, the coaches themselves had nothing but nice things to say about Jeju and about each other before leaving the venue on Tuesday morning.

"It's been absolutely fantastic," said New Zealand coach Tuaa. "Although we were in a tough group, I couldn't have wished to have been in a better venue."

Korea DPR coach An agreed. "There has been an excellent atmosphere between the teams and the support that our dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 players received from the fans was very much appreciated."

Peacock, the England coach was quick to praise the training facilities and the stadium. "They have been excellent, absolutely first-class," he said. "It's been a great experience and everything has gone very smoothly."

But perhaps the most telling comment was also the most concise. "It's been perfect," said Lucho, before adding, "We'd very much like to come back in a few Fair Play will be encouraged throughout the tournament. There will be a trophy for dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010.
Three coaches will be awarded fair play awards for the way they support, encourage and induce their teams into the genuine spirit of football, sport and dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010. As an inclusive tournament it is expected that each player will play a reasonable amount of time each day. If teams are found not giving players this opportunity they will be warned. If teams persist in not using the full squad of 8 players they will be penalised accordingly at the discretion of the Sports Committee

For a team to participate it is compulsory to register, bring and dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 a full squad of 8 players. A reserve team is no longer available. Any team arriving at the tournament with less than a full squad, due to exceptional circumstances, will be allocated an inexperienced local homeless person. This player will be required to play as part of the squad with an equal share of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 time. In the event of a foul or unfair play the referee may judge as follows:
Blue card (two minutes time exclusion): For dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 a player will be excluded from the match for two minutes during which time the team has to play with one less player.
A player given a blue card will be sent off for two minutes and not allowed back on. After two minutes have elapsed the player given the blue card will be replaced by another player from the team.

Red card (match penalty): for serious foul dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 a player is excluded from the rest of the match. The team has to play with one less player for the remainder of the match.
A red card will only be given for serious foul dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010, violent conduct or abuse of the referee. The player will be sent off immediately and not be allowed back during the game. No replacement player will be allowed on. The same applies to coaches. Each evening the disciplinary committee will meet and decide what action to take against the player or coach. Sanctions include suspension from future games.

Exclusion from the tournament for a team:
If rules are seriously breached (heavy foul dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010, foul play on purpose, unacceptable behaviour on the court towards the referees, the audience or other players), one player or a team can be excluded from the tournament. If a whole team is excluded from the tournament then all the matches played or scheduled to be played by that team will be awarded to the opposition with a 0:3 score line. We head to one of the Axis of Evil to flag up a rare piece of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 from Persian striker Amin Motevaselzadeh.

Tuesday night in Iran saw bottom club Aboomoslem take on mid-table Moghavemat in a match which the hosts won 3-nil to claim just their four win in 26 games this season. And the match was made memorable by an amazing episode of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 from visiting forward Motevaselzadeh, as the striker refused to take advantage of the grounded home keeper, instead opting to kick the ball out of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 so that the medics could tend to the fallen custodian. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Home keeper Majid Gholami put his body on the line when he rushed out of his area and took a blow to the head to deny the visitors a goal scoring opportunity. The ball then fell into the path of Motevaselzadeh, but rather than strike the ball into the unguarded net the number 27 compassionately and deliberately kicked the ball into touch. The UK betting market is going through a revolution right now. Internet and telephone accounts, plus new forms of speculation such as spread betting, are attracting a new kind of investor. And in a mad scramble to exploit this new, wealthier clientele, the bookmakers have thrown away their winning advantage and started gambling themselves.

Today, 24-hour worldwide betting means the bookies have to spread their expertise too thin to stay ahead of the clever investor. They want to offer bets on every sport you can name, plus ‘special’ bets on every little dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 outcome in every event too.

Minute of first goal, shirt numbers, F1 mini-races, rugby handicaps, three-ball golf... the demand for expert odds compilers has never been greater. Yet there are only 100 fully trained and experienced odds compilers in the dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 After learning their trade by specialising in one or two sports, these hard-pressed experts are now being asked to set the odds for sports they know nothing about!

Big Money Cock-Ups Just Waiting to Happen

Recently, an expert dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 football compiler was given the job of betting a Pool tournament. In one game – shown live on TV – the compiler got the two players mixed up.

Every time the player at the table potted a ball, the confused soccer expert increased his price, and cut the odds of the player sitting glumly in his chair. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 The odds compiler thought he was the guy at the table! Clued-up investors spotted this mistake, and helped themselves to an easy fortune.

Another big-name bookmaking boss gave the job of betting on live Superbike racing to his Formula One compiler... on the grounds that they are both races on wheels!

The hapless F1 compiler had never seen a Superbike race in his life, and lost more in one afternoon’s trading than the firm had earned from ‘bikes in six months.

Exploit These Million-Pound Mistakes for Profit

Now, Fleet Street Publications have persuaded one of the UK’s top number-crunchers to snitch on his employers. Through The Insider newsletter and e-mails, he reveals the research, databases and know-how which the bookies used to use to fix the prices in their favour... the very tools they’re now foolishly ignoring.

The bookmakers undervalue exciting opportunities every day. Now you can discover these little-known cock-ups – and enjoy the thrill of big potential tax-free gains – exclusively through The Insider’s subscription-only service. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010

Of course, there are very few sporting events where it’s possible to say 100% what the true probabilities really are. So odds compilers trade in debate, argument, opinion and performance lines. No compiler or punter can say that their prices for a particular event are more than an educated opinion.

But after 20 years grafting for Hills, Ladbrokes, Corals and all the offshore bookmakers, The Insider’s Mr.X has a better opinion than most. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 If you think like the bookmakers, and use Mr.X’s expert advice to calculate the odds before striking a bet, you will never fall for one of the bookmakers’ “bad value” traps again. Remember, you’re not up against an infallible corporate machine. You’re up against individuals, none of whom is right 100% of the time.

Too Much Work, Not Enough Expertise

One normally reliable Formula One compiler made a terrible slip-up in the German Grand Prix last year. He offered 13/2 for super-fast Colombian driver J.P.Montoya to record the fastest lap of the day. Mr.X estimated that the Colombian’s true price was 2/1, and he told Insider readers to help themselves to a wonderful bet. Montoya was fastest by a mile.

Jennifer Lopez was on offer at 15/8 to win her category at the MTV Music Awards last year. Mr.X knew that music industry insiders – who could see the votes coming in – were just waiting to get their money down. He nipped in ahead of the field and told readers to grab that lovely 15/8. She won alright, best-priced at just 1/3.

And the price that overworked odds compilers came up with for Niels Feijen to be the top European points scorer in pool’s Mosconi Cup last year took some believing too. You could get 14/1 about a man who should have been only one-third that price. The fact that most bookmakers spelt his name incorrectly sums it up. Mr.X and his Insider friends were onto him though. He won as predicted by the stats.

Watch Out for dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Little-Known Markets Where Expertise is Lacking

The more weird and unusual the market, the more likely that a poor odds compiler has had to price it up all by himself. Mr.X’s colleagues are often alone in offering odds on these “specials”. So they have no opportunity to check their work against an industry ‘norm’.

Just think about the chances of them screwing up here! You can see how easy it is to find errors, good value, and profit – just like Mr.X does – almost every day. In a meeting held last week in Monaco, the EPFL representatives at the UEFA Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC) have expressed unanimous support to new concept of Financial dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 for UEFA club competitions. The resolution, which was approved by all members of the PFSC, shall now be submitted to the UEFA Executive Committee at its forthcoming meeting in Nyon on the 14th and 15th of September.

The PFSC is composed of representatives from the European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL), the players (FIFPro Europe), the clubs (ECA) and the UEFA vice-presidents.
The main purpose of the Financial dukung dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 concept is to improve the financial fairness in European competitions and the long-term stability of club football across Europe.

In order to achieve this purpose a set of measures will be put in place including: the obligation for clubs whose turnover is over a certain threshold, over a period of time, to balance their books, or "break even" (i.e. clubs cannot repeatedly spend more than the generated revenues); to provide guidance on salaries and transfer spending; to provide an indicator on the sustainability of the levels of debt; and the obligation for clubs to honour their commitments at all times.

These measures, which are solely focused for UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 competitions, are expected to reach beyond the current UEFA club licensing system and aim to stimulate long term investment (youth development and upgrading of sporting facilities) over short term speculative spending and adherence to the rules will be assessed by the recently formed independent Club Financial Control Panel.

Concrete measures on financial dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 shall now be tailored by an expert working group throughout the season, in close consultation and cooperation with the key stakeholders, before reaching final consensus. Those measures are expected to be introduced in UEFA competitions starting from the season 2012/13 and, among others will also include a proposal to limit the size of squads, which in turn will help clubs to limit their expenditure on salaries and transfers.

Pada kompetisi Divisi Utama Liga Djarum tahun silam PSSI tidak memberikan penghargaan sebagai tim yang paling menjunjung tinggi sportifitas. Alasannya, tidak ada diantara 28 peserta Liga Djarum 2005 yang pantas menerima anugerah Fair Play tersebut. Apakah untuk musim kompetisi Liga Djarum 2006 ini masih ada tim yang memang pantas dianugerahi penghargaan itu?

Pertanyaan tersebut baru akan terjawab di akhir kompetisi Liga Djarum 2006 nanti. Sebab, rencananya, PSSI -dalam hal ini Komisi dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010- akan tetap mengupayakan penghargaan tersebut bisa diberikan.

"Pengumuman tentang tim yang berhak menerima penghagaan dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 tersebut akan disampaikan setelah pertandingan puncak Liga Djarum 2006, yakni 30 Juli mendatang di Stadion Manahan, Solo," kata Wakil Ketua Komisi Fair Play PSSI, Tengku Muhammad Nurlif, Rabu (19/7).

Nurlif mengakui bahwa mungkin sulit untuk memperoleh tim peserta Liga Djarum 2006 yang benar-benar mampu menjunjung tinggi unsur-unsur sportifitas, sebagaimana yang terus didengungkan oleh FIFA dan AFC.

Untuk itu, Komisi Fair Play secara cerdas dan cerdik harus menentukan kriteria tersendiri untuk tim penerima Fair Play Award tersebut. Merujuk pada tema Sepakbola Indonesia yang Fair Play, maka Komisi dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 merumuskan kriterianya menjadi "Maksimal prestasi, minimal sanksi". dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Award ini akan kami anugerahkan kepada satu tim dari Divisi Utama dan satu tim dari Divisi I," jelas Nurlif, yang juga anggota DPR RI.

Berkaitan dengan penyampaian anugerah dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Award bagi tim Liga Djarum 2006 dan Divisi I tersebut, Komisi Fair Play PSSI telah membentuk tim penilai yang diharapkan bisa bekerja secara profesional dan independen.

Tim ini terdiri dari TM Nurlif sendiri selaku ketua merangkap anggota, Hinca Panjaitan, praktisi hukum olahraga, Paian Situmorang, wartawan olahraga senior, Ferryl Raymond Hattu, mantan pemain timnas PSSI, dan Joppie Lepel, dari komonitas sepakbola.

Menurut keterangan Hinca Panjaitan, sekretaris tim penilai Fair Play Award, tim Liga Djarum 2006 yang menerima penghargaan dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010Award 2006 juga akan memperoleh hadiah uang sebesar Rp 100 juta yang disediakan oleh Badan Liga Indonesia, sedangkan untuk tim Divisi I hadiah uangnya adalah Rp 75 juta.

Dalam rangka sosialisasi Fair Play Award 2006 ini, Komisi dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 telah menyusun buku tentang fair play dalam sepakbola Indonesia. Buku ini dibagikan kepada delapan tim peserta babak delapan besar Liga Djarum 2006 di Gresik dan Solo, meski pun penyampaiannya jelas terlambat. sumber:

The FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Award for 2009 has been posthumously given to Sir Bobby Robson, who passed away on 31 July this year following a long battle against cancer at the age of 76.

His widow, Lady Elsie, was present at the Kongresshaus in Zurich to collect the award, bestowed on the former England manager for the gentlemanly qualities he showed throughout his career as a player and coach.

Colleagues, opponents and football fans all over the world respected and admired Robson, who epitomised the values of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010, while also enjoying tremendous levels of success. As a player, he represented England at the 1958 FIFA World Cup™ and as a manager won league championships in both the Netherlands and Portugal, as well as earning trophies in England and Spain.

A lifetime of leadership
Born in County Durham on 18 February 1933, Robson was an apprentice electrician before beginning his playing career as a 17-year-old at Fulham. In two separate spells at Craven Cottage he scored 77 goals in 344 matches, though he also made 239 appearances for West Bromwich Albion, scoring 55 goals in all for the Baggies. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Capped by his country 20 times, Robson eventually yielded his place in the team to Bobby Moore.

He took up his first coaching post at Fulham in 1968 and though he failed to make an impression there, he performed miracles in his next job at Ipswich Town. The men from Portman Road became a feared side under Robson's stewardship, winning the FA Cup in 1978 and the UEFA Cup in 1981.

His reward for sustained success with the East Anglian outfit was promotion to the England job in 1982. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010In his first FIFA World Cup™ finals appearance at Mexico 1986, Robson steered his side to the quarter-finals, where they were knocked out by a famous Diego Maradona brace. Four year later, he would go one better, taking England to the semi-finals at Italy, where they went out on penalties after a titanic duel with Germany.

Robson then returned to club football, trying his luck overseas with PSV Eindhoven in two separate stints between 1990 and 1999, and taking up the reins in the meantime at Sporting, FC Porto and Barcelona. He returned home in 1999 to take over at his beloved Newcastle United, remaining in the post until 2004.

Since first being diagnosed with cancer in 1992, Robson had fought and overcome the disease on several occasions, before beginning treatment again in 2007. However, in February of that same year, it was described as being terminal. A little over a year later, he launched the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation to raise money for cancer research which has gone on to raise over £2 million. The Foundation focuses on the early detection and treatment of cancer and the clinical trials of new drugs that will eventually beat it.

Tributes dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010
Following his death, the footballing world came out in praise of the charismatic figure. FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter thanked him for his contribution to the beautiful game, saying: “He always showed great passion for the game and will be missed by all football fans across the globe.”

In a recent interview with, England’s legendary full-back Stuart Pearce said this about his former manager: "Bobby Robson was exactly the same as the general public perceived him to be. He always conducted himself with great integrity, even after a crushing defeat in the semi-final against Germany. I was very fortunate to have played under him.”

Therefore, for his spirit, success and sense of dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010, Robson is a worthy recipient of this award. FIFA and the football world salutes him and the values he upheld during his life.

sumber :
FIFA Fair Play Trophy diberikan kepada tim dengan catatan fair play paliang baik selama pertandingan final Piala Dunia. Hanya tim yang memenuhi syarat untuk putaran kedua dianggap. Para pemenang penghargaan ini mendapatkan FIFA Fair Play Trophy, diploma, medali bermain wajar untuk setiap pemain dan resmi, dan senilai $ 50.000 peralatan sepak bola yang akan digunakan untuk pengembangan generasi muda.

Munculnya penghargaan sertifikat awalnya tapi dari 1982-1994 sudah piala emas berdasarkan Olahraga Billy, bermain bola-karakter kartun terkenal dari tahun 1982 yang menjadi ikon untuk bermain FIFA Fair. Baru-baru ini hal itu hanya sebuah piala dengan sosok pemain bola elegan.

FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Award adalah sebuah penghargaan yang diberikan FIFA untuk para pemain yang tampil bermain wajar/bersih dalam permainan mereka atau terlibat dalam insiden tertentu bermain wajar atau penonton diberikan untuk perilaku yang baik mereka untuk jangka waktu yang panjang atau berperang melawan rasisme. Perdana penghargaan diberikan untuk penggemar Dundee United pada tahun 1987 sebagai berikut perilaku olahraga mereka di Final Piala UEFA kekalahan untuk Gothenburg tahun itu.

Para pendukung Irlandia telah dinominasikan untuk penghargaan ini untuk perilaku baik mereka ketika meninggalkan Paris setelah pertandingan mereka dengan Perancis

sumber : wikipidia

sehubungan dengan perayaan Soccer nasional Pemuda Bulan adalah FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Day. FIFA Fair Play Hari dimulai pada tahun 1997 dan telah terjadi setiap tahun sejak itu. Dalam lusinan negara di seluruh dunia, berbagai acara diadakan, akan tetapi merupakan peristiwa terutama lokal dan turnamen untuk anak-anak, dari akar rumput untuk sepak bola yang profesional.

Untuk merayakan, bersatu dalam dukungan dengan teman dan teman-teman menggunakan kata-kata dan tindakan dan mematikan lapangan untuk menunjukkan semangat bermain wajar. FIFA menyerukan kepada pemain, wasit, penggemar dan pejabat fungsi mereka sebagai teladan untuk menjadi contoh yang bersinar nilai bermain seimbang bagi seluruh dunia. Tunjukkan dukungan Anda sportif baik dengan mengumumkan FIFA Fair Play Day di permainan Anda.

FIFA Fair Play Kode untuk sepakbola merangkum semua olahraga, moral dan etika prinsip yang FIFA selalu berdiri dan akan terus berjuang untuk di masa depan. 10 aturan emas tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai kredo untuk FIFA, tetapi mereka juga memperkuat rasa persaudaraan dan kerjasama antar anggota keluarga sepak bola di seluruh dunia.

Sejak 2004, FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Day diadakan sepanjang minggu 21 September, untuk mengaktifkan semua asosiasi anggota FIFA untuk menggabungkan kegiatan yang berkaitan ke dalam perlengkapan sepak bola di negara masing-masing.
Sumber :

Argentina maju, yang memimpin tujuan clinching melawan Manchester United di, final Liga Champions juga mencetak gol pada Sabtu untuk mengamankan Piala Dunia Klub Barcelona melawan Estudiantes pada hari Sabtu.

22 tahun memenangkan penghargaan untuk pertama kalinya, mengalahkan pemenang tahun lalu Cristiano Ronaldo, dua clubmates Andres Iniesta dan Xavi dan gelandang Brazil Kaka. Dia disajikan dengan trofi pada gala penghargaan berkilauan di Zurich.

Messi berkata: "Aku sangat bahagia. Kami baru saja berakhir tahun bersejarah, tahun sempurna di mana kita telah memenangkan setiap persaingan kita telah bermain masuk Kita hanya perlu untuk mengambil langkah terakhir dan semuanya telah bekerja bagaimana kami ingin It's amazing.. "

penghargaan Messi, yang memilih oleh para pelatih dan kapten setiap tim nasional, tampaknya seluruhnya didasarkan pada formulir klub sebagai penampilannya untuk Argentina, di bawah pelatih Diego Maradona, sebagian besar mengecewakan.

Argentina berjuang untuk lolos ke Piala Dunia dan hasilnya tahun ini termasuk palu 6-1 di Bolivia dan kekalahan dengan Paraguay dan Ekuador.

Sebelum upacara, Messi kepada wartawan ia tidak dapat menjelaskan mengapa ia gagal untuk tampil di level yang sama untuk negaranya.

"Saya tidak tahu," katanya. "Saya mencoba untuk melakukan hal yang sama seperti yang saya lakukan untuk Barcelona Tapi kualifikasi Piala Dunia rumit., Kadang-kadang sulit untuk bermain dan itu adalah upaya besar bagi kami untuk memenuhi syarat.

"Saya percaya bahwa Piala Dunia dapat benar-benar berbeda bagi kami ... itu bisa lebih baik untuk saya dan Argentina."

Sementara itu, tim Messi-teman Daniel Alves, Xavi dan Iniesta termasuk di antara mereka yang disebutkan dalam Dunia FIFA / FIFPro XI.

XI, memilih oleh anggota serikat pemain profesional internasional FIFPro, adalah: Iker Casillas (Real Madrid), John Terry (Chelsea), Nemanja Vidic (Man Utd), Patrice Evra (Man Utd), Daniel Alves (Barcelona) , Xavi (Barcelona), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool), Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Fernando Torres (Liverpool).

Ronaldo memenangkan penghargaan FIFA Puskás untuk tujuan terbaik musim 2008/09 - jangka panjang petir nya untuk Manchester United melawan Porto di Liga Champions pada bulan April.

FIFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 Award diberikan secara anumerta untuk Sir Bobby Robson untuk "komitmen luar biasa terhadap nilai-nilai keadilan di seluruh''karirnya. Penghargaan itu dikumpulkan oleh Elsie janda nya.

sumber :

peribahasa bahasa jawa

Kana nggone kana wite : Ukara iku lumrahe diucapake samangsa wong nemoni lelakon ala, maksude supaya awake dhewe utawa kulawargane ora ketaman lelakon sing kaya mangkono.

Kayu taun : kayu sing lumrah dianggo balungane omah kajaba kayu jati, kayata : kayu weru, nangka, sengon lsp.

Ngandhut godhong randhu :
Pepindhane wong guneme mencla-mencle ngalor ngidul

Ngalasake negara : Wong tumindak sageleme dhewe, ora ngelengi aturan/brengkele

Ngaub awar-awar : Ngenger utawa ngawula marang wong sekeng, wong sing ora sugih utawa ora duwe panguwasa.

Ngaturake kidang lumayu : Nuduhake rejeki sing angel pangalape (nyekele).


parikan jawa

Ali-ali ilang matane,
Gantenana matane akik,
Aja lali karo wong tuwane,
Ngailingana ri kalane sih cilik.

Suwe ora jamu
jamu godong kluwih.,
suwe ora ketemu
ketemu isan neng ngadiluwih

Resep Kue Getuk Isi Kacang Hijau

Cara membuat Kue Getuk Isi Kacang HijauBahan :Talas bogor/ bentul/ubi manis putih 1 buah, kupas dan potong-potong4 sendok makan gula halusgaram secukupnya1/4 sendok teh vanili bubukpewarna makanan hijau tua secukupnyaBahan isi :100 gr kacang hijau, rendam semalam1/4 sendok teh vanili bubukGaram secukupnya3 sendok makan gula halus, sesuaikanCara membuat :Isi : kukus kacan hijau hingga matang,

Resep kue Getuk singkong Strowbery

Cara Membuat kue Getuk singkong StrowberyBahan :1 kg singkong, kupas dan potong3 sendok makan margarine2 sendok teh susu bubuk4 sendok makan gula halusGaram secukupnya1/2 sendok teh pasta stroberi50 gr selai/jeliCara membuat :Kukus singkong higga matang, angkat dan tmbuk hingga halus.Tambahkan margarine, susu bubuk, gula halus, garam dan pasta stroberi, aduk rata.Ambil 1/4 adonan, campur dengan

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quark & Sahne Torte

Resep torte atau cake nya bisa apa aja..
cuma topingnya yang ini rasanya enakk dan muarh meriah. Oiya ini aku dapat resep nya dari temen kursusku, dan kue yanga di foto ini juga bikinan temenku

Bahan :

2 gelas (400 ml) Sahne
150 gr gula tepung
Quark 500 gr
1 bks vanila
10 agartine (gelatin dari tumbuhan)
1 gelas susu atau 250 ml


1. Sahne, gula tepung, vanila di mixer 1-2 menit sampai terlihat kental
2. di tempat terpisah Quark di mixer 2-3 menit.
3. siapkan panci tambahkan susu dan gelatine di panaskan sampai kental.
4. Quark dan Sahne sambil di mixer masukkan gelatine sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis kira-kira 1-2 menit.
5. bagi beberapa bagian campuran sahne dan quark , tambahkan warna sesuai selera. kemudian tambahkan menggunakan sendok sedikit demi sedikit sampe selesei.
simpan di kulkas sekitar 2 jam.

Resep Kue Getuk singkong Dua Warna

Cara Membuat Kue Getuk singkong Dua WarnaBahan :1 kg singkong, kupas, cuci bersih dan potong-potong150 gr gula pasir1 sendok teh garamPewarna makanan kuning lemon secukupnyapewarna makanan hijau secukupnyadaun pisang secukupnya, potong bulat sebagai alas getukCara Membuat :Kukus singkong hingga matang, angkat.Campurkan singkong, gula pasir dan garam. Haluskan dengan cara ditumbuk atau digiling

Resep Kue Pisang Getuk lapis

Cara Membuat Kue Pisang Getuk lapisBahan :10 buah pisang nangka, kupas dan kukus4 sendok makan susu bubuk1 sendok teh coklat pasta/ coklat bubukGaram Secukupnya2 sendok teh gula halus sesuai seleraCara membuat :Tumbuk pisang hingga halus.Tambahkan bahan yang lain kecuali coklat pasta, aduk rata.Bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, tambahkan satu bagian dengan coklat pasta.Susun adonan berlapis antara

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Apple Pie

Apple PieBahan :- 250 cc susu cair -- 50 gram gula -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 35 gram tepung terigu -- 1/2 buah apel, kupas, potong dadu -- 1/2 sdt garam -- Vanili secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Susu cari, gula, kuning telur, terigu, apel, garam, vanili dimasak sampai matang. Masukkan ke dalam pie sampai penuh.Untuk 15 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Ceri Pie

Ceri PieBahan :- 250 gram susu cair -- 52 gram gula -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 35 gram maizena -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 8 ceri merah -- 8 ceri hijau -Cara membuat :1. Susu cari, gula, kuning telur, maizena, garam dimasak sampai matang. Masukkan ke dalam pie sampai penuh. Beri ceri merah dan hijau.Untuk 8 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Nanas Pie

Nanas PieBahan :- 250 cc susu cair -- 51 gram gula -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 35 gram maizena -- 1/2 sdt garam -- Nanas secukupnya, potong segitiga, ceri secukupnya, masing-masing potong 6 membujur, jelly secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Susu cair, gula, kuning telur, maizena, garam dimasak sampai matang.2. Masukkan ke dalam pie sampai penuh. Beri nanas di kanan kiri. Bagian tengah diberi sepotong

Resep Kue Getuk Kentang Keju Pandan

Cara Memasak Kue Getuk Kentang Keju PandanBahan :500 gr kentang, kukus, kupas dan haluskan75 gr gula halus50 gr susu bubuk1/4 sendok teh vanila bubuk150 gr kelapa parutPasta pandan secukupnya1/8 sendok teh garam halus150 gr keju parutCara Membuat :Campur kelapa parut dan pasta pandan, aduk rata, kukus, angkat dan sisihkan.Campurkan kentang, gula, susu bubuk, vanila dan garam selegi kentang hangat

Resep Kue Bolu Gulung Keju

Cara Membuat Kue Bolu Gulung KejuBahan :12 butir kuning telur4 butir putih telur150 gr gula pasir80 gr tepung terigu, 20 gr tepung maizena, 25 gr susu bubuk, dicampur menjadi satu sampai rata.150 gr margarine palmboom, dicairkan.1/2 sendok teh essens vaniliIsi:150 gr gula putih bubuk50 gr margarine palmboom1 sendok teh rhum100 gr keju parut untuk taburanCara Membuat :Kocok kuning telur, putih

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fruit Pie

Fruit PieBahan :- 250 cc susu cair -- 50 gram gula -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 35 gram maizena -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 2 buah kiwi dan 8 buah ceri -Cara membuat :1. Susu cair, gula, kuning telur, maizena, garam dimasak sampai matang.2. Masukkan ke dalam pie sampai penuh. Beri potongan kiwi dan ceri.Untuk 8 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Chicken Pie

Chicken PieBahan :- 1/2 dada ayam, rebus -- 1 buah wortel, potong dadu -- 1/4 sdt merica -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 3 sdm tepung terigu -- 150 cc air -- 2 siung bawang merah, iris -Cara membuat :1. Bawang merah ditumis sampai harum.2. Masukkan ayam, wortel, bumbu dan air.3. Masak sampai wortel lunak. Beri terigu. Aduk rata.4. Angkat dari api.5. Masukkan ke dalam pie yang saudah matang. Hidangkan.Untuk

Butter Peanut Pie

Butter Peanut PieBahan :- 150 gram kacang tanah, sangrau -- 100 ram coklat cair -- 1/4 sdt garam -Cara membuat :1. Kacang dan garam diaduk rata.2. Campur dengan coklat cair. Masukkan ke dalam pie.Untuk 6 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Resep Dasar Pie

Resep Dasar PieBahan :- 250 gram tepung terigu -- 150 gram mentega -- 3 butir telur -- 1 sdt garam -Cara membuat :1. Mentega dan kuning telur dimixer selama 2 menit. Beri tepung terigu dan garam. Aduk sampai rata.2. Masukkan ke dalam cetakan. Panggang 160 oC sampai matang.3. Isi sesuai resep berikut.Aura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Resep Masakan Asam Kandis

Cara Memasak Masakan Asam KandisBahan :1 kg ikan tenggiri1/2 kg cumi-cumi besar3 siung bawang putih5 buah bawang merah8 buah asam kandis4 buah cabai merahGaram dan bumbu penyedap secukupnya2 liter air2 sendok makan kunyit dipotong tipis-tipis3 sendok makan jage dipotong halusCara Membuat :Ikan tenggiri dibersihkan diambil dagingnya saja kemudian dipotong kira-kira ssebesar 3x4 cm.Cumi dibersihkan

Resep Masakan Selada Kepiting Bakar

Cara Memasak Masakan Selada Kepiting BakarBahan :2 ekor kepiting besar yang segar4 butir telur ayam kampung direbus1 ikat daun peterseli1 buah tomat merahGaram secukupnya2 sendok makan mayonis jepang40 gr keju parutCara Membuat :Kepiting dicuci bersih kemudian masukkan keair menidih yang sudah diberi sedikit garam, rebus kira-kira 15 menit, angkat dan masukkan ke air es, lalu tiriskan.Peterseli

Monday, April 19, 2010

Putu Cetak

Putu CetakBahan :- 500 gram tepung beras -- 200 cc air -- 1/2 buah kelapa muda, parut -- 150 gram gula merah, sisir -- 2 sdt garam -- Pewarna hijau, pewarna merah muda secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Tepung beras diperciki air. Ratakan. Kukus 5 menit. Saring dengan saringan kasar.Masukkan kelapa parut dan garam. Begi 3 bagian.2. Satu bagian biarkan putih, 1 bagian diberi pewarna hijau, 1 bagian


MendutBahan :- 150 gram tepung ketan -- 30 gram gula pasir -- 100 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- 1/2 sdt garam -- 1/4 sdt vanili -- Pewarna hijau secukupnya -Saus (campur) :- 100 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- 25 gram tepung ketan -- 1/4 sdt gara, -- Sedikit vanili -Isi (campur, masak sampai licin/kalis) :- 1/4 butir kelapa muda, parut -- 25 gram gula merah -- 10 gram gul apasir -- 50 cc

Pie Singkong Pisang

Pie Singkong PisangBahan :- 250 gram singkong parut -- 3 buah pisang ambon -- 50 gram gula pasir -- 50 gram gula merah, sisis -- 1 sdt garam -- 1/4 butir kelapa muda parut -- Gula merah secukupnya, potong kecil -Cara membuat :1. Semua bahan dicampur dan dibentuk segitiga. Bagian tengah diberi sedikit gula merah.2. Kukus 20 menit.Untuk 4 porsiAura / Lezat Sehat 57 / Minggu ke-4 / Januari 2005

Kue Jongkong

Kue JongkongBahan :- 100 gram tepung beras -- 110 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa -- 1 sdt garam -- 1 buah kelapa muda kerok -- Pewarna hjau secukupnya -Saus (masak, saring) :- 100 gram gula merah -- 25 cc air -Cara membuat :1. Tepung beras, santan dan garam dijadikan satu. Masak sampai matang.2. Bagi jadi 2 bagian. Satu bagian diberi kelapa muda. Bagian lainnya diberi pewarna hijau.3. Masukkan ke

Resep Masakan Nasi Bakar Sarden

Cara Memasak Masakan Nasi Bakar SardenBahan :300 gr nasi putih, siap pakai250 gr sarden2 siung bawang putih, cincang2 sendok makan kacang polong1 sendok makan margarinegaram scukupnya1/2 sendok teh gula pasir1/2 sendok teh merica bubukDaun pisang secukupnyaCara Membuat :Pisahkan ikan sarden dengan airnya.Panaskan margarine, tumis bawang putih hingga harum.Tuang air sarden, bumbui dengan gula,

Resep Masakan Kering Kedelei Dendeng

Cara Memasak Masakan Kering Kedelei DendengBahan :100 gr kedelai hitam100 gr kacang kedelai kuning1 sendok teh garamMinyak untuk menggoreng150 gr dendeng sapi, siap pakai, potong bentuk pita lebar 1 cm50 ml air5 lembar daun jeruk purut, buang tulang daunnya, iris melintang halus1 batang serai, ambil bagian putihnya memarkan2 cm lengkuas, memark an1 sendok makan air asam jawa5 buah cabai merah,

Resep Kue Bika Singkong

Cara Memasak Kue Bika SingkongBahan :1 kg singkong parut1 butir kelapa parut1 sendok makan baking powder45 gr mentega cair1/4 kg gula pasir1/4 sendok makan vanili2 butir telur30 gr tepung teriguGaram secukupnyaCara Membuat :Parut kelapa, lalu bagi menjadi 2 bagian, yang sebagian diambil santannya sebanyak 1 gelas,sebagian lagi disisihkan.kocok gula dan telur hingga mengembang, masukkan sisa

Sunday, April 18, 2010

cangkriman bahasa jowo

Geplak wedang jahe
bareng penak meneng wae
Golek pelem grethel arit
didemok gelem, di ciwel njerit

cangkriman bahasa jowo

wiwowite lesmbogodonge cankriman boso jowo ingkang candane yoiku uwi dowo uwite tales ombo godonge .

krama inggil dari anggota tubuh kita

sirah : mustaka
lambe : lathi
tangan : asta
sikil : ampeyan
irung : grana
alis : imba (nek gak salah)
mripat : paningal
kuping : talingan
rambut : rikmo
weteng :madharan

Alang - Alang Kumitir >>> ilmu urip

ilmu urip Anane tak wenehi irah-irahan ‘ngelmu urip’ amarga ‘ngelmu Jawa’ iku candane babagan nglakoni urip tumraping manungsa ana ing alam donya iki sektemene sak jeroning nglakoni urip ing alam donyo iki kudu tansah narimo opo sing dikersake sing gawe urip.

sumber :

kumpulan pepatah jawa II

Ajining Diri Soko Lathi, Ajining Rogo Soko Busono

Urip Sadermo Nglakoni Tumekaning Takdir

Sak Bejo-bejone Wong Kang Lali Isih Bejo Wong Kang Eling Lan Waspodo

Wong Sing Rumongso Pinter Tondo Yen Bodho

sumber :

kumpulan pepatah jawa 1

Wong jowo ilang jawane

Becik ketitik olo ketoro

Kacang manut lanjaran

Nandur ngunduh, tlaten panen

Mendhem njero mikul nduwur

Jer basuki mawa beyo

Ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madyo mangun karso, tutwuri handayani

Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino

sumber :

Javanese language

Javanese language is the language of the people in the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, in Indonesia. In addition, there are also some pockets of Javanese speakers in the northern coast of western Java. It is the native language of more than 75,500,000 people.

The Javanese language is part of theAustronesian family, and is therefore related to Indonesian language and other Malay language varieties. Many speakers of Javanese also speak Indonesian for official and commercial purposes and to communicate with non-Javanese Indonesians.

Outside Indonesia, there are large communities of Javanese-speaking people in the neighbouring countries such as East_Timor Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and also Hong_Kong and Taiwan" . In addition there are also Javanese-speaking people in Suriname, the Netherlands, and New_Caledonia. The Javanese speakers in Malaysia are especially found in the states of Selangor and Johor. For distribution in other parts, as far as Suriname, see Javanese_language#Demographic_distribution_of_Javanese_speakers">Demographic distribution of Javanese speakers below.


Putu Tegal

Putu TegalBahan :- 150 gram tepung ketan -- 50 grm sagu -- 1/4 sdt garam -- 2 pisang raja, potong melintang -- 1/4 butir kelapa muda, parut -- 100 gram gula pasir -- Air secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Tepung ketan, sagu dan garam diaduk perlahan. Beri air. Aduk rata.2. Bagi adonan menjadi 10. Beri sepotong pisang. Kukus 10 menit.3. Bila sudah matang ditabur dengan kelapa muda parut dan gula


KeleponBahan :- 250 gram tepung ketan -- 50 gram tepung sagu -- 125 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- 1/4 sdt garam -- 1/4 sdt vanili -- Pewarna hijau secukupnya -Isi :- Gula merah disisir halus -Pelengkap :- 1/4 butir kelapa muda, parut, kukus -Cara membuat :1. Semua bahan dicampur dan diaduk sampai rata.2. Bagi adonan jadi 20 bagian. Isi dengan bahan isi. Bentuk bulat seperti bola.3. Kukus 20

Lidah Sapi Kuah Santan

Lidah Sapi Kuah SantanBahan :- 300 gram lidah sapi, rebus sampai lunak -- 200 gram sumsum -- 10 butir telur puyuh, rebus -- 750 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa -Bumbu :- 3 siung bawang putih, haluskan -- 7 butir bawang merah, haluskan -- 4 butir kemiri halus -- 1 sdt ketumbar halus -- 1 ruas jari kunyit halus -- Garam dan lada secukupya -Cara membuat :1. Semua bumbu halus ditumis sampai harum. Beri

Resep Masakan Telur Petis Pedas

Cara Memasak Masakan Telur Petis Pedas Bahan :6 butir ayam kampungMinyak untuk menggoreng1 batang serai, ambil bagian putihnya, memarkan1 lembar daun salam1 cm lengkuas, memarkan5 lembar daun jeruk2 tangkai temu kunci, memarkan250 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa parut15 buah cabai rawit merah, buang tangkainya, biarkan utuhHaluskan :8 butir bawang merah2 siung bawang putih2 sendok makan petis

Resep Masakan Sambal Bajak Ebi Petai

Cara Memasak Masakan Sambal Bajak Ebi PetaiBahan :200 gr ebi ukuran besar5 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis3 lembar daun jeruk purut, buang tulang daunnya, remukkan1 batang serai, ambil bagian putihnya, memarkan20 mata petai, iris membujur tipis150 ml santanHaluskan :7 butir bawang merah3 siung bawang putih100 gr gula merah2 sendok makan terasi goreng1 sendok teh asam jawa tanpa biji6 butir

Resep Kue Bolu Singkong

Cara Membuat Kue Bolu SingkongBahan :3 buah singkong sedang4 butir telur ayam1 mangkok gula pasir7 1/2 santan kentalpanili dan garam secukupnyaCara Membuat :Singkong yang sudah dikupas siparut kira-kira satu mangkok, lalu diperas dan dikeluarkan airnya.Telur dan gula dikocok sampai buihnya naik, mengembang.Tuangkan panili, garam, santan sambil dikocok terus.Parutan singkong dimasukkan dan diaduk

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pempek ala Dresden

Setelah melakukan eksperimen dari berbagai resep  yang aku googling dan tanya-tanya temen,  ternyata resep dari mba Echa, mba Vitri dan mas Chant yang cocok buat aku. Nah resep belio-belio ini aku simpen di Pempek ala Dresden. Menurut aku..kalo resep pempek mba Echa cocoknya buat kapal selam, kalo resep mba Vitri cocoknya buat lenjer, dan kalo resep mas Chat cocoknya buat adaan.
Ini resep-resep dari teman-temanku....aku izin copy paste yaa...:)

Resep mba Vitri 
bikinnya gampang, rasanya enak dan empuk.
Bahan :
500 gr Fischpaste / Daging Ikan yg sudah halus
300 gr Tepung Sagu / Tapioka
2 sdm peres Garam
1 sdt Gula pasir
200 ml Air es
175 ml Minyak
Extra tepung sagu untuk membungkus adonan

Cara membuat:
Fischpaste , sagu, garam dimixer sambil masukkan air dan minyak sedikit2, aduk sampai rata.
Ambil adonan dengan scoop ice cream, taruh diatas talenan bertabur sagu.
Gulung adonan bentuk lenjer sambil dibungkus sagu.
Masukkan ke dalam air mendidih yg telah diberi sedikit minyak, masak hingga mengapung, tiriskan.
Goreng hingga matang.
Sajikan dengan cuko, mie, timun serta taburan ebi kering.

source :

Resep mba Echa 
Pempek ini cocok kalo dibikin kapal selam. thx mba Echa buat resep sekaligus dah ngajarin aku.

750 gr Rotbarschfilet atau Victoriabarschfilet atau Pangasiusfilet, dll
40 gr terigu
3 sdt garam
150 cc air
40 gr Speisestärke *) (bisa diganti dengan maizena)
350 gr tapioka**)
sedikit minyak sayur untuk air rebusan

Cara Membuat:
  1. Cairkan ikan kalau membeli ikan yang beku. Mencairkannya alami saja, jangan dengan microwave. Dalam keadaan sudah tidak beku tapi masih dingin, haluskan ikan (saya biasanya pakai Küchenmaschine). Dinginkan dalam kulkas.
  2. Masukkan terigu, garam, dan air dalam panci (paling bagus panci anti lengket), buat bubur. Setelah uapnya hilang, dinginkan juga di dalam kulkas.
  3. Setelah ikan dan bubur terigu dingin, bisa mulai langkah selanjutnya. Campur ikan, bubur terigu, Speisestärke, dan tapioka hingga tercampur rata. Kalau dengan Küchenmaschine adonan yang sudah rata ditandai dengan menyatunya adonan membentuk seperti ‘gumpalan’ yang menyatu.
  4. Oh ya, sembari mengadon, jerang air yang cukup banyak untuk merebus pempek. Beri minyak sedikit airnya. Setelah air mendidih, bulatkan adonan sedikit lalu rebus. Setelah matang, cicip. Kalau perlu tambah garam atau tapioka lagi. Tapi sedikit demi sedikit tambahnya. Kira-kira 2 sdm sekali tambah, lalu giling lagi, cicip lagi:-).
  5. Setelah rasa dan kekenyalan pas, mulai bentuk pempeknya (lihat di bagian resep pempek kapal selam, lenjer, dsb). Lalu rebus hingga matang.
source :


PanadaBahan :- 500 gram terigu -- 100 gram mentega -- 10 gram susu bubuk -- 10 gram yeast instan- 15 gram bacom (bahan penahan lembap, dapat dibeli di toko bahan kue) -- 100 gram gula pasir -- 120 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- 1 butir telur -- 1/2 sdt SP -- 1 sdt garam -Isi :- 250 gram ikan tongkol, hancurkan -- 200 cc santan kental -- 2 lembar daun jeruk, memarkan -- 1 batang serai,

Bolu Kukus

Bolu KukusBahan :- 5 butir telur ukuran sedang -- 300 gram gula pasir -- 300 gram terigu -- 200 cc minuman bersoda -- Vanili secukupnya -- Pewarna sesuai selera -Cara membuat :1. Gula, telur, dimixer sampai putih dan kental.2. Masukkan terigu. Aduk rata. Beri minuman bersoda, vanili. Aduk kembali sampai rata.3.Ambil beberapa sendok makan. Beri pewarna sesuai selera.4. Masukkan ke dalam cetakan

Kue Pancong

Kue PancongBahan :- 1 butir kelapa muda, parut -- 150 gram tepung beras -- 50 gram terigu -- 1 sdt air kapur sirih -- 100 cc air a-- Garam, vanili secukupnya -Taburan :- Gula pasir secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Semua bahan dicampur jadi satu. Aduk rata.2. Panggang dalam cetakan sampai setengah matang.3. Taburi gula pasir. Panggang sampai matang.4. Angkat dari cetakan.Untuk 17 buahAura / Lezat

Kue Ape Gula Merah

Kue Ape Gula MerahBahan :- 150 gram terigu -- 2 sdm susu bubuk -- 1 butir kuning telur -- 300 cc santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa -- Vanili, garam secukupnya -- Pewarna hijau secukupnya -Isi :- Gula merah secukupnya -Taburan :- Coklat meyses secukupnya -Cara membuat :1. Semua bahan dicampur jadi satu. Panggang dalam setakan.2. Isi dengan gula erah. Bagian atasnya ditabur coklat meyses.3. Setelah

Resep Masakan Cumi Asin Manis

Cara Memasak Masakan Cumi Asin ManisBahan :500 ml air untuk merebus250 gr cumi kering yang panjang, pipih/cumi sero, buang tulang lunaknya3 sendok makan sayur3 lembar daun jeruk purut ,buang tulang daunnya, iris melintang halus5 buah cabai hijau, potong-potong 2 cm20 buah cabai rawit merah, buang tangkainya, biarkan utuh3 buah tomat hijau, belah 43 sendok makan kecap manisHaluskan :8 butir bawang

Resep Masakan Kepiting Saus Tomat

Cara Memasak Masakan Kepiting Saus TomatBahan :Air untuk merebus1 kg (3 ekor) kepiting cuci bersih3 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis5 sendok makan saus tomat, siap pakai1 1/4 sendok teh cuka masak250 ml airHaluskan :8 butir bawang merah3 siung bawang putih5 buah cabai merah, buang bijinya2 cm terasi goreng, tumbuk kasar3 cm jahe1 sendok makan gula pasir1/2 sendok teh garamCara Membuat :Didihkan

Friday, April 16, 2010

Resep Agar Si Mata-Mata

Cara Memasak Agar Si Mata-Mata Bahan :1 bungkus agar-agar warna hijau3 gelas sari buah jambu6 sendok makan gula pasir/menurut selera1/2 sendok teh garam3 buah pisang raja yang tua, potong-potong serongSaus :11/2 gelas santan4 sendok makan gula pasir1 sendok makan maizena, untuk mengentalkanCara Membuat :Rebus agar-agar bersama gula, garam dan sari buah yang matang, tuang adonan agar-agar ini

Resep Masakan Batang Talas Panggang

Cara Memasak Masakan Batang Talas PanggangBahan :6 batang talas, diambil bagian mudanya3 buah terung ungu/terung hijau200 gr kerang yang sudah dikupas,rebus sampai matang200 gr udang segar yang sudah dibersihkan1/2 cangkir santan kental3 batang daun bawang, dipotong 3 cm150 gr daging kepiting200 gr sosis1 sendok makan kecap asin1 ruas jari jahe1 ruas jari kunyit1 sendok makan margarine1 sendok

Appel Taart ala Belanda

Appeltaart atau  Appelgebak adalah salah satu ciri khas makanan Belanda. Kadang disebut juga apple pie. Selama saya disana banyak banget toko kue yang menjual Apple Pie, yang paling terkenal adalah D'Granny..hmmm rasa apple pie nya uenakkk bangettt. Penampilan Apple Pie ini cantik karna di bagian atas di buat seperti jala dan  dominan dengan rasa kayu manis. Cara menghidangkan juga bervariasi dapat di simpan di kulkas atau dimakan hangat-hangat. Taart apple ini bisa disajikan bersama Cream kocok  atau es cream vanili sebagai teman teh panas atau kopi. 
Resep untuk apple pie ini telah  berabad-abad sekitar tahun 1626.
Kalo mau bikin sendiri juga gampang karna di supermarket Belanda banyak juga tepung mix kemasan dus. Berhubung sekarang di Jerman ga ada kemasan dus nya jadi lah searching resep, dan akhirnya dapet...oiya pembuatan taart ini ga perlu pake mixer..pokoknya gampang dan cepet.

Beberapa kali saya bikin apple taart tapi baru kali ini ambil foto, dan ini pun foto nya ngasal banget tapi kalo bikin taartya ga ngasal dunk kan biar enak dan smua orang suka.

Bahan untuk lapisan kulit:
300 gram self rising flour, 
200 gram unsalted butter, 
150 gram sugar, 
1 egg
kalo aku ditambah dengan 1 sdm susu powder dan vanili powder. 

Untuk isi
sekitar 1 kg atau 4-5 buah  apel  
50 gram gula 
100 gram kismis, 
 1-2 sdt  kayu manis
1-2 sdm jus lemon ( saya ga pake )
remah roti ( tidak terlalu penting fungsinya hanya menyerap kelembabab)
1 kuning telur  untuk garnis

Cara : 
Masukkan semua bahan kemudian uleni.  Masukkan adonan ke dalam kulkas beberapa menit (aku seh 10 menitan) .  
Kupas apel , potong kecil-kecil. Campurkan dengan gula vanili, kismis dan kayu manis. Taburi dengan jus lemon sedikit, agar apel tidak akan berubah menjadi cokelat.
Siapkan loyang ukuran 24 cm, beri alas roti atau mentega.  Ambil 3 / 4 adonan, letakkan adonan di atas loyang dan tata dengan rapi sampai bagian tepi tetapi jangan terlalu tebal. Tambahkan campuran apel . 
1/4 adonan di gulung memanjang kemudian tata diatasnya seperti bentuk jala. Olesi diatasnya dengan kuning telur.  
Panggang dalam oven  170 C selama 45-60 menit . 
Cara menghidangkan dapat di simpan di kulkas atau dimakan hangat-hangat. Taart apple ini bisa disajikan bersama Cream,atau es cream vanili sebagai teman teh panas atau kopi.

source  : dan kemasan dus  yang ku beli di toko Albert Heijn